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What is a standard possession order?

In a child custody case, judges will issue orders for parents’ possession schedules with their kids. This order includes exchange times, holidays, school breaks, and other arrangements. 

Texas judges often use the standard possession order, explained below, though the specifics of the arrangement depend on how far apart you and your co-parent live (less than 50 miles, 50-100 miles, or 100+ miles). 

Please note, many of these exchange times are slightly adjusted if a parent opts into a “expanded standard possession order,” which we will cover in another article.

Standard Possession Order

Living 50 Miles Apart or Less

If you and your co-parent live within 50 miles of each other, the schedule is as follows:

Weekends (1st, 3rd, and 5th Friday of the month)

Pickup on Friday at 6pm and drop-off on Sunday at 6pm

Weekends Extended by Holidays and Teacher Work Days (Mondays)

Drop-off at 6pm on Monday

Weekends Extended by Holidays and Teacher Work Days (Fridays)

Pickup at 6pm on Thursday

Thursdays When School is In-Session

Pickup at 6pm on Thursday and drop-off at 8pm on Thursday

Spring Vacation

Pickup at 6pm the day school is dismissed for spring vacation and drop-off at 6pm the day before school starts again

Christmas Break (Even Numbered Years)

Pickup at 6pm the day school is dismissed for the holiday and drop-off at noon on Dec. 28

Thanksgiving (Odd Numbered Years)

Pickup at 6pm the day school is dismissed for the holiday and drop-off at 6pm the following Sunday

Father’s Day

If the father doesn’t already have custody on this day, he is able to pickup at 6pm on the Friday before Father’s day and drop-off at 6pm on Father’s Day

Mother’s Day

If the mother doesn’t already have custody of the child on this day, she is able to pickup at 6pm on the Friday before Mother’s Day and drop-off at 6pm on Mother’s Day

Summer Vacation (30 Days)

The noncustodial parent may pick when this 30 days of extended parenting time will occur, but must send notice to the custodial parent no later than April 1. 

Child’s Birthday

The co-parent who doesn’t have custody on the child’s birthday can pick up the child for two hours on that day. Pickup at 6pm and drop-off at 8pm.

Standard Possession Order

Living 51 to 100 Miles Apart

When you and your co-parent live between 51 and 100 miles apart, the schedule is as follows:

Weekends (1st, 3rd, and 5th Friday of the month)

When school is in session, pickup when school is dismissed for the weekend and drop-off when school resumes after the weekend. Outside of school terms, pickup is on Friday at 6 pm and drop-off is Sunday 6pm.

Weekends Extended by Holidays and Teacher Work Days (Mondays)

Drop-off at 8am on Tuesday

Weekends Extended by Holidays and Teacher Work Days (Fridays)

Pickup after school on Thursday

Thursdays When School is In-Session

Pickup after school on Thursday and drop-off when school starts on Friday

Spring Vacation

Pickup at 6pm the day school is dismissed for spring vacation and drop-off at 6pm the day before school starts again

Christmas Break (Even Numbered Years)

Pickup at 6pm the day school is dismissed for the holiday and drop-off at noon on Dec. 28

Christmas Break (Odd Numbered Years)

Pickup at noon on Dec. 28 and drop-off at 6pm the day before school resumes for the holiday

Thanksgiving (Odd Numbered Years)

Pickup when school is dismissed for the holiday and drop-off at 6pm the following Sunday

Father’s Day

Pickup at 6pm on the Friday before Father’s day and drop-off at 8am on the Monday after Father’s Day

Summer Vacation (30 Days)

The noncustodial parent has 30 days of extended parenting time during the summer vacation.

Option 1: Pickup at 6pm on July 1 and drop-off at 6pm on July 31

Option 2: The noncustodial parent may pick when this 30 days of extended parenting time will occur, but must send notice to the custodial parent no later than April 1. The time period can start any time after the child’s school is dismissed for the summer and can extend no later than seven days before school resumes for the next term. This time may be exercised in no more than two separate periods of at least seven consecutive days, and cannot interfere with the Father’s Day parenting time schedule. The custodial parent may pick one weekend for parenting time during these 30 days but must send written notice to the noncustodial parent no later than April 15. The custodial parent will be responsible for picking up and returning the child from this parenting time.

Child’s Birthday

Pickup at 6pm on the child’s birthday and drop-off at 8pm on the child’s birthday

Standard Possession Order

Living 100 Miles Apart


Pickup when school is out for the weekend and drop-off when school resumes after the weekend. Outside of the school term, pickup at 6pm on Friday and drop-off at 6pm on Sunday

Weekends Extended by Holidays and Teacher Work Days (Mondays)

Drop-off at 6pm on Monday

Weekends Extended by Holidays and Teacher Work Days (Fridays)

Pickup after school on Thursday

Spring Vacation

Pickup when school is dismissed for spring vacation and drop-off at 6pm the day before school starts again

Christmas Break (Even Numbered Years)

Pickup when school is dismissed for the holiday break and drop-off at noon on Dec. 28

Christmas Break (Odd Numbered Years)

Pickup at noon on Dec. 28 and drop-off at 6pm the day before school resumes for the holiday


Pickup when school is dismissed for the holiday and drop-off at 6pm the following Sunday

Father’s Day

Pickup at 6pm on the Friday before Father’s day and drop-off at 8am on the Monday after Father’s Day

Mother’s Day

Pickup when school is dismissed the Friday before Mother’s Day and drop-off when school resumes after Mother’s Day

Summer Vacation

The noncustodial parent has 42 total days of extended parenting time during summer vacation.

Option 1: Pickup at 6pm on June 15 and drop-off at 6pm on July 27

Option 2: The noncustodial parent can pick when these 42 days of extended parenting time occur but must send written notice to the custodial parent of their choice by April 1. The time period may begin no earlier than the day after the child’s school is dismissed for the summer vacation and end no later than seven days before school resumes at the end of the break. The extended parenting time must be exercised in no more than two separate periods of at least seven consecutive days each and will begin and end at 6pm each day. The extended parenting time cannot interfere with Father’s Day parenting time. The custodial parent may pick one weekend for parenting time during this period but must send written notice to the noncustodial parent by April 15. If the extended parenting time lasts more than 30 days, the custodial parent may have possession of the child on any two nonconsecutive weekends during that period. Pickup at 6pm on Friday and drop-off at 6pm on Sunday. The custodial parent is responsible for picking up and returning the child during these times. The visits cannot interfere with Father’s Day parenting time.


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